In Baby Photography

The mystique of eating at Scalini’s and then going into labor… Is it the pizza or the Eggplant Parmigiana?

On that note, I would like you all to meet Sylvie Colette Browne…IMG_2513web

Sylvie was born on September 20, 2014, after her mom ate at Scalini’s and as the superstition goes, it was the eggplant!

Sylvie had 27 minutes to make her due date and she did it! Just like her parents- always on time.

Sylvie is going to be a model! She fashioned the jewelry, wore the right clothes and she enjoyed her photo shoot. She is already talking up a storm and you can see she is gorgeous!                                  IMG_2601NEW WEB

I would be in trouble with the pet patrol if I didnt mention them in this blog.. Sadie the pup and Rocky the cat demanded that they get some camera time but they became disinterested immediately.IMG_2577WEB

The photo session lasted 2 hours and we knew it was over when sylvie gently put her head down on the sofa and she was finished.. NOT ONE TEAR!IMG_2704WEB

What a great day.

P.S.       Scalini’s worked for me.



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